This directory contains precompiled binaries of
 SeaMonkey 1.1.17

Please read the release notes at

A list of's mirror sites can be found at:

We do not guarantee that any source code or executable code
available from the domain is Year 2000 compliant.

These binaries were all built from the mozilla cvs repository
(, off the SEAMONKEY_1_1_17_RELEASE
tag, with the following commands used to obtain source:

On OSX/Unix/Windows:
  cvs co -r SEAMONKEY_1_1_17_RELEASE mozilla/
  cd mozilla
  make -f checkout MOZ_CO_PROJECT=suite

Read for instructions
on how to build a copy of SeaMonkey suitable for distribution.

seamonkey-1.1.17.en-US.win32.installer.exe contains browser.xpi (compressed core
browser files), mail.xpi (compressed mail/news files), and the installer
required to install them.
This is your basic win32 client release. contains all of dist/bin from an
optimized build. This package includes many debug and test files, and does
not include an installer.
If you do not understand this, you should use
seamonkey-1.1.17.en-US.win32.installer.exe or
seamonkey-1.1.17.en-US.win32.stub-installer.exe (net installer - downloads only
the parts you select to install).

The following builds are for Linux on x86 platforms:

The following builds are for Mac OS X:
seamonkey-1.1.17.en-US.mac.dmg (PPC+Intel universal binary)

Packages in other formats and for other platforms will appear in the contrib/
subdirectory as they are produced by volunteers.
Localized versions will appear in the contrib-localized/ subdirectory as they
are produced by teams of the Mozilla Localization Project.