These binaries were all built from mozilla's comm-esr56 Mercurial repository, off the SeaMonkey_2_53_1b1_RELEASE tag, with the following commands used to obtain the source: hg clone -r SeaMonkey_2_53_1b1_RELEASE cd comm-esr56 python checkout --rev SeaMonkey_2_53_1b1_RELEASE This directory contains precompiled binaries of SeaMonkey 2.53.1b1 A list of's mirror sites can be found at: Read for instructions on how to build your own copy of SeaMonkey. Language packs are available from the langpacks/ subdirectory and can be installed as add-ons and switched to using the Appearance preferences. linux-i686 and linux-x86_64 .tar.bz2 files are tarball builds for Linux on the x86 and x86_64 platforms. mac/ .dmg files are self-mounting disk images for Mac OS X, containing Intel32+Intel64 universal binaries. A source code tarball with the contents of comm-central/ in such a checkout is available for download from the source/ subdirectory here on FTP. The .exe files in win32/ and win64/ are the main win32/win64release installers respectively, letting you chose which extensions to install. The .zip files in win32/ and win64/ contain a full optimized build without an installer. If you do not understand how to get this to run, you should use installer.exe instead. Please read the release notes at